Meet the Team Kinetix coaches and performers behind the parkour.

BRADDirector of Team Kinetix & Head Coach at the Kinetix Academy
Brad trained in gymnastics from a young age before starting Parkour in 2004. After reaching the semi-finals of Britain’s Got Talent in 2007 Brad worked a professional performer for major brands and events all over the world. In 2008 Brad started coaching regular parkour classes with some highly skilled close friends. Today Brad continues to perform as well as offering professional choreography to major West End productions, TV & film, as well as running Team Kinetix and the Kinetix Academy.

ALEXCoaching Manager
Alex worked with Team Kinetix as a performer and as a coach back in the early days of Kinetix. Alex went on to have a successful solo career as a professional performer, travelling around the world, working on major productions such as the world tour of Jesus Christ Superstar. In 2022 Alex came back to Team Kinetix with a desire to coach, and to pass on his vast experience of movement and performance to the next generation.

JACKSenior Coach
Jack joined the team in 2010 and has always been a well-loved member of Team Kinetix. Jack had a huge wealth of experience in coaching parkour and acrobatics, as well as being an accomplished martial artist. Most of all, Jack is a lot of fun to be around.
Sam started training Parkour with Team Kinetix as a student at our Academy. Sam has proven himself to be a great coach, and is now one of our core coaching team.

JAMIECoach / Performer
Jamie has been with Team Kinetix from a young age as a student. Jamie graduated through the Display Team into the main professional team. In 2019 Jamie earned his Parkour UK coaching qualification.

DAVECoach / Performer
Dave is one of our regular coaching team and creative professional. Dave qualified as a parkour coach before heading off to university, after graduating in film studies, Dave came back to coach with us while working freelance in the film industry.

Brenden trained with Team Kinetix as a student when he was a young child giving him a solid foundation in Parkour. Brenden pursued his passion for Dance and Acrobatics, going on to perform all over the UK. We’re very fortunate to have Brenden coaching and performing with Team Kinetix.

HOLLYPerformer / Coach
Holly is one of our professional performance team as well as a regular Academy coach. Holly graduated from the National Centre for Circus Arts, she is a highly skilled acrobat and an excellent role model for young girls at the Academy.
Saxen started coming to our classes in Colchester in early 2023. Saxen very quickly demonstrated a fantastic attitude and willingness to learn. We saw so much potential in Saxen that Team Kinetix took him on as a junior coach in summer 2023.
GEORGECoach / Performer
George had been a core member of our Display Team before he took an interest in becoming a coach.
George has a lot to give as a coach, and he’s a very skilled freerunner.
BENCoach / Performer
Ben had been a Parkour student at the Kinetix Academy for some time before choosing to do his Work Experience with Team Kinetix. Ben showed such a great attitude and ability to coach that we employed him as soon as we were able to.
PHOEBEAcrobatic & Gymnastic Coach
With a background in Gymnastics, Group Exercise, and Personal Training, Phoebe is an incredibly knowledgable member of our coaching team. We’re delighted to have Phoebe coaching our Monday night Acrobatic Skills class.
Cy always comes in with an infectious positivity. After working alongside Jack as his assistant, Cy has a very similar coaching manner to Jack but with his own unique style.
Cy is very well liked by coaches and students alike.
Cy is very well liked by coaches and students alike.
CHRISCoach / Performer
Chris joined the coaching team in 2023 with many years of Parkiur and Acrobatic experience.

Jem is one of our performance team who joined the team in 2018. Jem is exceptionally skilled and an absolute pleasure to work with. Jem has performed all over the UK with Team Kinetix as well as working on major TV projects.

TASHAOperations Director
Tasha is our Operations Director, and she brings a wealth of knowledge and experience from working in the Aerospace and Construction industries.
Tasha works hard to ensure that everything works behind the scenes, overseeing policies and procedures, as well as working with partner organisations to help run our funded and community projects. When she has time, Tasha also designs and prints our clothing range.
CAROLINEProject Co-Ordinator
Caroline works incredibly hard liaising with schools, funders, and local authorities to plan and administrate our community and outreach work.
Caroline also has the near-impossible task of keeping Brad on task.
Holly is another one of our behind the scenes superstars. Holly supports Kinetix with monitoring, evaluation, and processing of all the data required for working with local authority and schools.