Team Kinetix have worked with the international Scouts organisation since 2009. Over the years we’ve provided Parkour & Freerunning coaching to individual Scout troops as well as coaching and performances at some of their larger events.

After running Parkour workshops at the last International Jamboree in 2012, workshops at the WINGS event in 2014 and Parkour coaching at Gilwell 24 every summer since 2012, we were invited back to run Parkour workshops for over 6000 Scouts over the week long International Jamboree 2016.

Our Parkour coaching team had a great time coaching such enthusiastic and physical young people over the week. We were well looked after by the Scouting community. It’s always a pleasure to work with such a positive organisation.

Lovely thank you note from the Scout organisers
Lovely thank you note from the Scout organisers